Model Concept Learning Sebagai Penunjang Keaktifan Pada Aktivitas Pembelajaran Siswa
Application, Concept learning model, Learning activenessAbstract
This study aims to analyze the application of the concept learning model in increasing student learning activeness in PAI learning. This research is quantitative, with a Time-Series type experimental design (time-series). The results of the analysis of this study indicate that the application of the concept learning model in PAI learning can increase the activeness of student learning, as seen from the more students who experience an increase in learning activeness after the application of the concept learning model as many as 29 students out of 30 students. The advantages of the application process are: 1) Students are more motivated to learn; 2) Students find it easier to understand the material; (3) The level of students' understanding of teaching materials is getting better. The constraints and drawbacks are; 1) requires quite a lot of time; 2) The teacher must be more intensive because the teacher is no longer the one providing the information but working together with the students to manage the class to find the basic concepts of the material to be studied; 3) In learning activities will tend to be dominated by active students only.
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