SOP to Authors

Guidelines of Articles Writing

Articles submitted to the editor of Dakwatuna: The Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Communication, must follow the following technical provisions:

  1. Articles is a conceptual paper or research results in the field of Da'wah, Islamic Communication, Islamic Counceling, and Da'wah Management.
  2. Articles are authentic works and have not been published in other scientific (periodical) journals.
  3. The article is written in Indonesian, English, or standard Arabic with a space of 1.5 cm on A4 paper with Book Antiqua font size 12 written font, about 17-25 pages long, or 5000-9000 words and sent to the editorial address in print form (print out) of 1 copy accompanied by soft copy to CD or emailed to: [email protected] and [email protected]. Contact: 0853-3545-6712 (Farid) and 0878-5599-6086 (rio). Articles are submitted no later than two months before the journal is published.
  4. Include abstract in Indonesian and English maximum 200 words written with one paragraph, on each abstract followed by keyword (keyword).
  5. The name of the author of the article (without an academic degree, position, or rank) shall be attached with correspondence address, email address, and or telephone or mobile phone number.
  6. Referrals in the article use the footnote model with reference to the referenced references, such as books, translation books, volumes / volumes, anthology books, articles in papers, articles in journals, articles in encyclopedias, articles on the internet, articles in mass media (magazines or newspapers), theses, theses, dissertations, as well as scriptures. As an example:


Jamâl al-Bannâ, Naḥw Fiqh Jadîd: Muná¹­aliqât wa Mafâhîm (Kairo: Dâr al-Fikr al-Islâmî, 1999), 23.

The Translation Book:

Chalmers, A. F., Apa itu yang Dinamakan Ilmu? Suatu Penilaian tentang Watak dan Status Ilmu serta Metodenya, terj. Redaksi Hasta Mitra (Jakarta: Hasta Mitra, 1983), 26

Books binding:

Nadîm Marghalî dan Usâmah Marghalî, al-Murshid ilâ Kanz al-‘Ummâl fî Sunan al-Aqwâl wa al-Af‘âl, Vol. 1, Ḥadîth ke-2454 (Beirut: Muassasah al-Risâlah, Cet. Ke-3, 1989), 121.

Articles in Book:

Sarjuni, “Anarkisme Epistemologis Paul Karl Feyerabend”, dalam Listiyono Santoso dkk, Epistemologi Kiri (Yogyakarta: ar-Ruzz, 2003), 155.

Articles in the Encyclopedia:

Samsu Rizal Panggabean, “Dîn, Dunyâ, dan Dawlah” dalam Ensiklopedi Tematis Dunia Islam, Vol. 6 (Jakarta: PT Ichtiar Baru van Hoeve,, 50.

Articles in the Journal:

‘Abd al-Amîr Zâhid, “al-Khiṭâb al-‘Almânî al-‘Arabî al-Mu‘âṣir: Târîkhîyatuh wa Bunyatuh al-Mawḍû‘îyah” dalam al-Minhâj, Vol. 27 (Kairo: Muassasah al-Ahrâm, 2002), 14.

Articles in people's media:

Muhammad AS Hikam, “NU dan Gerakan Civil Society di Indonesia”, Suara Pembaruan, 03 Agustus 1994, 1.

Articles in Internet:

Hâshim Ṣâliḥ, “Jamâl al-Bannâ bayn al-Iṣlâḥ al-Dînî wa al-Tanwîr” dalam 20-Juni-2008.

Essay, Thesis, and Dissertation:

Thoha Hamim, “Moenawar Chalil’s Reformist Thought: A Study of an Indonesian Religious Scholar (1908-1961) (Disertasi--McGill University, 1996), 81.


al-Qur’ân—QS. al-Fâtiḥah [1]: 4.


  1. Writing articles in Dakwatuna, uses Arab-Indonesian transliteration guidance as in the guidebook set by the Syariah Economic Study Program Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business The Islamic Institute Syarifuddin Lumajang as follows. namely: ب (b), ت (t), ث (th), ج (j), ح (ḥ), خ (kh), د (d), ذ (dh), ر (r), ز ), (((Ṣ), ض (ḍ), ط (ṭ), ظ (ẓ), ع ('), غ (gh), ف (f), ق (q ), ك (k), ل (l), م (m), ن (n), و (w), ه (h), ء ('), and ي (y). To show a long live sound (madd) by writing a stroke above the letters â, î, and û. The double live Arabic (dipthong) is transliterated by combining two ay and aw letters, such as layyinah, lawwâmah. The word ending in ta' marbûṭah and functioning as ṣifah (modifier) or muḍâf ilayh is transliterated with ah, such as akhlâq karîmah, faḍâ'il al-zakâh, while functioning as muḍâf is transliterated with, like jannat al-na'îm.