
  • December
    Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024)

    MUHASABATUNAJurnal Akuntansi Syariah  is a peer-reviewed and open-access platform that focuses on Accounting and Islamic Financial . The aim of MUHASABATUNA is to be an authoritative source of information on it's focused. The scope of MUHASABATUNA are but strictly limited to: Syariah Accounting; Syariah Banking; Management ZakatInfaqShodaqoh, and Waqf; Islamic Business Management; Syariah Insurance;

  • Juny
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024)

    MUHASABATUNAJurnal Akuntansi Syariah  is a peer-reviewed and open-access platform that focuses on Accounting and Islamic Financial . The aim of MUHASABATUNA is to be an authoritative source of information on it's focused. The scope of MUHASABATUNA are but strictly limited to: Syariah Accounting; Syariah Banking; Management ZakatInfaqShodaqoh, and Waqf; Islamic Business Management; Syariah Insurance;

  • December
    Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023)

    (MUHASABATUNAJurnal Akuntansi Syariah  is a peer-reviewed and open-access platform that focuses on Accounting and Islamic Financial . The aim of MUHASABATUNA is to be an authoritative source of information on it's focused. The scope of MUHASABATUNA are but strictly limited to: Syariah Accounting; Syariah Banking; Management ZakatInfaqShodaqoh, and Waqf; Islamic Business Management; Syariah Insurance;)

  • Juny
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023)

    MUHASABATUNAJurnal Akuntansi Syariah  is a peer-reviewed and open-access platform that focuses on Accounting and Islamic Financial . The aim of MUHASABATUNA is to be an authoritative source of information on it's focused. The scope of MUHASABATUNA are but strictly limited to: Syariah Accounting; Syariah Banking; Management ZakatInfaqShodaqoh, and Waqf; Islamic Business Management; Syariah Insurance;

  • December
    Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)

    MUHASABATUNAJurnal Akuntansi Syariah  is a peer-reviewed and open-access platform that focuses on Accounting and Islamic Financial . The aim of MUHASABATUNA is to be an authoritative source of information on it's focused. The scope of MUHASABATUNA are but strictly limited to: Syariah Accounting; Syariah Banking; Management ZakatInfaqShodaqoh, and Waqf; Islamic Business Management; Syariah Insurance;

  • Juni
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022)

    MUHASABATUNAJurnal Akuntansi Syariah  is a peer-reviewed and open-access platform that focuses on Accounting and Islamic Financial . The aim of MUHASABATUNA is to be an authoritative source of information on it's focused. The scope of MUHASABATUNA are but strictly limited to: Syariah Accounting; Syariah Banking; Management ZakatInfaqShodaqoh, and Waqf; Islamic Business Management; Syariah Insurance;

  • Desember
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021)

    MUHASABATUNAJurnal Akuntansi Syariah  is a peer-reviewed and open-access platform that focuses on Accounting and Islamic Financial . The aim of MUHASABATUNA is to be an authoritative source of information on it’s focused. The scope of MUHASABATUNA are but strictly limited to: Syariah Accounting; Syariah Banking; Management ZakatInfaqShodaqoh, and Waqf; Islamic Business Management; Syariah Insurance;

  • Juni
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021)

    MUHASABATUNAJurnal Akuntansi Syariah  is a peer-reviewed and open-access platform that focuses on Accounting and Islamic Financial . The aim of MUHASABATUNA is to be an authoritative source of information on it’s focused. The scope of MUHASABATUNA are but strictly limited to: Syariah Accounting; Syariah Banking; Management ZakatInfaqShodaqoh, and Waqf; Islamic Business Management; Syariah Insurance;

  • Desember
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020)

    MUHASABATUNAJurnal Akuntansi Syariah  is a peer-reviewed and open-access platform that focuses on Accounting and Islamic Financial . The aim of MUHASABATUNA is to be an authoritative source of information on it’s focused. The scope of MUHASABATUNA are but strictly limited to: Syariah Accounting; Syariah Banking; Management ZakatInfaqShodaqoh, and Waqf; Islamic Business Management; Syariah Insurance;

  • Juni
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)

    MUHASABATUNAJurnal Akuntansi Syariah  is a peer-reviewed and open-access platform that focuses on Accounting and Islamic Financial . The aim of MUHASABATUNA is to be an authoritative source of information on it’s focused. The scope of MUHASABATUNA are but strictly limited to: Syariah Accounting; Syariah Banking; Management ZakatInfaqShodaqoh, and Waqf; Islamic Business Management; Syariah Insurance;

  • Desember
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019)

    MUHASABATUNAJurnal Akuntansi Syariah  is a peer-reviewed and open-access platform that focuses on Accounting and Islamic Financial . The aim of MUHASABATUNA is to be an authoritative source of information on it’s focused. The scope of MUHASABATUNA are but strictly limited to: Syariah Accounting; Syariah Banking; Management ZakatInfaqShodaqoh, and Waqf; Islamic Business Management; Syariah Insurance;