Bimbingan Pranikah Dengan Teknik Self Management dalam Mengatasi Perilaku Konsumtif pada Calon Pengantin Wanita di Pasirian

Premarital Guidance Using Self Management Techniques in Overcoming Consumptive Behavior in Prospective Bades in Pasirian


  • Muhammad Muhtadi MTs Ma’arif NU Nurul Islam Bades Lumajang
  • Rio Febriannur Rachman Institut Agama Islam Syarifuddin Lumajang



Premarital Guidance, Consumer Behavior, Self Management Techniques


Marriage is a physical and mental bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a family (household). Therefore, marriage aims to build a happy, harmonious family and fight together in religious teachings. A luxurious wedding does not guarantee everything, because getting married does not have to be just a desire. So, getting married is enough to have a legal bond so that you can form a family that is sakinah mawaddah wa rohmah. In this research, the author wants to explore data through the counseling process. Researchers use self-management techniques. According to Gerald Corey, there are 3 counseling processes in the self-management technique process, namely 1) Management by antecedent, controlling reactions to the causes of behavior, thoughts and feelings, 2) Management by consequence, controlling reactions to behavioral goals and feelings, 3) Cognitive technique, Changing thoughts, behavior and feelings is formulated by recognizing, discarding and replacing what is reflected in the antecedents and consequences. This type of research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Meanwhile, in collecting data, researchers want to explore data through interview and documentation techniques. In this study there were 7 people consisting of 4 people (2 couples) who had attended pre-marital guidance, 1 head of the KUA, 1 person, 1 headman and one villager.

The results of this research can be concluded that clients are aware of the importance of guidance with self-management techniques, because clients will be aware of previously planned behavior. So the importance of a wedding doesn't have to be luxurious, because that doesn't guarantee everything.


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How to Cite

Muhtadi , M., & Febriannur Rachman, R. (2024). Bimbingan Pranikah Dengan Teknik Self Management dalam Mengatasi Perilaku Konsumtif pada Calon Pengantin Wanita di Pasirian: Premarital Guidance Using Self Management Techniques in Overcoming Consumptive Behavior in Prospective Bades in Pasirian. Isyrofuna : Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, 1(1), 1–11.


