Etika Informasi di Era Digitalisasi dalam Perspektif Komunikasi Islam

Information Ethics in the Era of Digitalization from an Islamic Communication Perspective


  • Ziaulhaq Fathulloh Akademi Komunitas dan Teknologi Syarifuddin Lumajang



Information Ethics, Digital Age, Islamic Communication


This article discusses the ethics of information dissemination in the digital era from the perspective of Islamic communication. As social beings, humans certainly carry out communication processes in their daily lives. Ethics is a scientific discipline, while morals is a teaching. The term information ethics started to be recognised in the 1980s. Although information ethics covers various topics such as privacy, intellectual property rights, fair representation, and non-maleficence, this article only focuses on the issue of privacy. In this case, the researcher uses a qualitative research method with the type of library research using data sources derived from reference books related to the ethics of information dissemination in the perspective of Islamic communication. This research shows that information ethics is closely related to the akhlaq that is possessed in living life as a human being created by Allah SWT. In practising such ethics, it is important to be in line with the Islamic communication perspective, which involves the point of view in conveying information from one party to another, which must be in accordance with applicable Islamic teachings and laws. In this study, the perspectives applied include qaulan sadidan, qaulan balighan, qaulan maysuuran, qaulan layyinan, qaulan kariman, and qaulan ma'rufan. A Muslim is expected to have good information ethics in interactions with himself, family, and society as a whole.


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