The impact of productive economic management on urban poverty alleviation
productive, economy managers, poverty reductionAbstract
In Indonesia, there are two categories of Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah distribution management systems: consumer and productive. However, the pattern of giving all this time is generally commutative. However, in the development of the ZIS distribution system, innovations were carried out in order to maximize the utilization of ZIS funds to the desired goals in Islam, one of which is the productive distribution of ZIIS to the YIT Productive Economy. The productive channeling of ZIs is expected to empower the poor to accelerate the eradication of poverty by providing access to enterprise capital routinely.
The problem in this study is: 1. Does the management of the productive economy in BAZNAS Lumajang district have an impact on poverty reduction? The purpose of this research is to find empirical evidence of the influence of productive economic management in reducing poverty in the city of Lumajang. This research uses quantitative methods with field research approaches. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, interviews, observations, and documentation. As for data analysis using simple regression statistical tools,. The results of this study show that there is a positive and significant influence between productive economic management and poverty reduction in the city of Lumajang with R2 = 0.6739, which suggests that 67.39% of the poverty limit variable can be influenced by the productive wealth management variable, while the remaining 32.61% is affected by other variables that are not included in the simple regression model.
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