Literacy Strategy and Spreading Brocures as a Sourcing for Promotion of Sharia Pegadaian Products


  • Syarifah Aini Institut Agama Islam Syarifuddin Lumajang


strategy, literacy, spreading brocures, pegadaian syariah


Economics was born to help man in the fulfillment of his needs. Human beings as living creatures will not be free from activities that are oriented towards the fulfillment of the needs of everyday life. (Ekonomi). In economics, you study how to use things effectively, and you learn how to manage finances properly. If people are unaware of a product's benefits or the location of its production, they will not be able to utilize it. So from that society as a target to develop a product or service using marketing strategies The increasing needs of life make everyone face life needs that are sometimes sudden. A sudden need for cash will sometimes be needed from time to time. There has been a bargaining activity since the time of the Prophet Saw; even the prophet himself practiced it. It serves to strengthen that someone will return to contend for his debt." The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had bought food from a Jew at a time, and he gave his clothes to the Jew.


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How to Cite

Aini, S. (2024). Literacy Strategy and Spreading Brocures as a Sourcing for Promotion of Sharia Pegadaian Products. AJEBER: Asian Journal of Economics and Business Empirical Research, 1(1), 1–10. Retrieved from


